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Feb 21, 2025
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Cabin Fever: Vermicomposting Harvesting Worm Castings at CUB
During the Introduction lesson (1/31) students will learn the difference between compost and vermicomposting with red wiggler worms. Anita will show students how vermicompost can enhance their soils beneficial microbes , fungi and beneficial bacteria.
During the second session (2/7) students will be guided through building their own worm bins so they can produce their own worm castings at home.
In the third session, (2/21) students will be taught how to harvest their own worm castings to enhance their soil.
All material needed will be provided.
“My name is Anita Owings, owner of Big O’s Worm Farm. I have been worm farming in Emmett Idaho for the past 6 yrs. I raise Red Wigglers (Ensenia Fetida) and produce worm castings and worm casting teas. I’m passionate about saving our soil from chemicals and petroleum products. I’m committed to teaching people how to use worm castings to enhance the beneficial microbes, fungi and bacteria in their soil to grow healthier plants.”-Owings
Feb 21, 2025
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm