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Ph: (208) 634-7631
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is something the McCall Area Chamber of Commerce is taking very seriously. It is important for all of us – residents, visitors, employees and employers – to be informed as this rapidly changing situation unfolds.
The goal for all businesses is to help prevent workplace exposures and provide planning considerations if there are more widespread, community outbreaks of COVID-19. In addition to personal hygiene and surface sanitation (see sidebar at right), businesses should consider:
Reviewing HR policies. Do you have flexible work options? What are your sick leave policies, especially if an employee must self-quarantine for an extended timeframe? Remind employees if they’re sick, they should stay home.
Communicate with Employees. Share accurate information about the situation as it develops, your internal plan, healthcare policy changes, etc.
Plan for employee absences. Sickness, school closures, and infection may reduce the number of employees at work. Make a plan for continuing essential business functions with limited staff (cross-training, identifying essential functions, etc.).
Review travel policies and plans. The best way to keep up-to-date with current travel recommendations is to consult the CDC or Idaho Central District Health website.
Learn who is open, closed, offering take out and delivery, available for online purchase and shipping and new protocols in the McCall area
CDC Guidance for BusinessesInterim Guidance for Businesses and Employers: Plan, Prepare and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019
Idaho Central District HealthIdaho-specific monitoring of COVID-19 including number of cases, school closures, guidance on mass gatherings, employer and personal planning.
St. Luke’s COVID-19 InformationLocal healthcare information including a detailed FAQ section
CDC Guidance on Events & GatheringsGuidance for event planners, election and polling places, cleaning and disinfection guidelines
US Department of LaborInformation on common issues employers and employees face when responding to pandemics and public health emergencies
(as we learn about more programs we will continue to update this list)
US Bank: Loans for Immediate Assistance
Idaho Dept. of Commerce: loans for small businesses and nonprofits needing emergency funding
SBA Disaster Assistance Loans: low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Food Delivery: Coordinated by Payette Lakes Rotary (free service run by approved volunteers)
Sanitation & Virus Mitigation: Disaster Response is available to clean up and sanitize schools, businesses, government buildings, public areas, restaurants, hotels and more.
Have a second home in the McCall area and want to check on your property remotely? Our property managers are here to help!
211 Forest St, McCall ID 83638
(208) 634-1776 *call this number for COVID-19 screenings
Protocol If You Suspect You Have COVID-19Please call first. If you are having difficulty breathing, proceed to the Emergency Room (call first, even from your vehicle so staff can take appropriate precautionary measures)
St. Luke’s Parking Lot ProtocolNo drive-through testing at this time. Staff will greet you in the parking lot and help direct you to the appropriate location.
402 Lake Cascade Pkwy, Cascade ID 83611
(208) 382-4242
703 1st St, McCall ID 83638
(208) 634-7194 *call this number for WIC, Communicable Disease information and other FAQs
The following symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure.