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Ph: (208) 634-7631


  • Address: 605 N 3rd St | McCall, ID 83638
  • Mailing Address: PO Box 350 | McCall, ID 83638
  • Map & Directions

Purchase Tickets

Ticket sales for each event will close at 8:00am the day prior to the event. After this point, tickets will
only be available at the door.

Party Bingo

$10 tickets

Tuesday, January 28
@ The Forester’s Club
7pm – 10pm

Thank you for a great event!

Grand Bingo

$10 tickets

Wednesday, January 29
@ The Northfork Lodge
5:30pm – 10pm
(doors open at 5:30pm, games start at 7pm)

Tickets available at the door!

Raffle Tickets

$10 tickets

Enter for a chance to win a brand new Polaris 800 with custom wrap!

Tickets available at the McCall Chamber office
(605 N 3rd Street) or in the Vendor Court during Carnival
  • Tickets cannot be replaced if it is lost, stolen or destroyed, and is valid only for the event(s) for which it is issued.
  • Tickets are not transferable or redeemable for cash.
  • Reproduction of tickets is not permitted.Unless indicated otherwise, price includes all applicable sale and use taxes and/or cash discounts (if available).
  • No refunds/exchanges.
  • Ticket user assumes all risks of personal injury incidental to the event, whether occurring prior to, during, or subsequent to the event.
  • Ticket purchaser bears all risks of inclement weather.
  • Tickets may not be used for advertising, promotion (including contests and sweepstakes) or other trade purposes without the express written consent of the McCall Area Chamber of Commerce.