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  • Address: 605 N 3rd St | McCall, ID 83638
  • Mailing Address: PO Box 350 | McCall, ID 83638
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Here are a few of our favorite ways to show your love for other humans in our community:

Share your ideas and stories by using #KeepMcCallKind and help us spread the love!


There is a heartwarming trend going around McCall. You can find them hanging from trees, storefronts and the occasional bronzed bear. These red painted hearts have been showing up in public parks, open spaces, and business storefronts since the beginning of the pandemic and bringing a smile to the face of anyone who stumbles upon one.

This simple act has sparked joy across our community and contributed to hot speculation about who these bearers of happiness may be. We have yet to uncover who the heart bandits are, but to be honest, we haven’t tried very hard to solve the mystery. It seems somehow more fitting and more enjoyable to not put a name and face to these random acts of happiness.

On your next outing in McCall, we hope you find one of these local gems and take to heart the love behind them. Let’s keep spreading the love!