While McCall isn’t widely known as a climbing hot spot, but there is ample terrain to explore no matter your skill level. From free climbing to top roping to bouldering, enjoy a view from the top in McCall.
For easy access to some great climbing areas, look no farther than Payette Lake. Some of McCall’s most well-known routes can be found at The Thinking Spot. With sport climbing options on routes known by names such as “Big Ernie’s Revenge” (5.8c/5.10c), “Fire on the Mountain” (5.10c), and “The Sparkle Dance” (5.7), this climbing area has a wide variety of routes for all abilities.
Another mile down the road from The Thinking Spot is Fireman’s Point. This area is rated 5.8/5.9 and is a great top rope climb. Along with spectacular views of Payette Lake from the top, the parking area for Fireman’s Point has a beach to enjoy the water after a climb.
If you are after a premier climber’s playground, head south of McCall to Gold Fork’s Pins and Needles. Ranging from 6,250 feet to 7,800 feet elevation, the climbing season here typically starts in June and lasts until the snow flies. The Pins and Needles are home to approximately 150 bolted routes ranging from 5.7 to 5.11, most falling in the 5.9 to 5.10 grade.
The McCall area is also a prime area for bouldering. Two well-known spots, the Aspen Boulder and the Lost Shoe Boulder, can be found just south of Fireman’s Point on the backside of Payette Lake. The Lakeside and Scree Boulders around Jughandle Mountain, are also great for exploring. Louie Lake provides the best access point to both areas.