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Ph: (208) 634-7631
Each year, local businesses dream up towering glacial creations and bring them to life during the Carnival. Grab your mittens and a cup of hot chocolate, and take a stroll to see castles, pyramids, mythical creatures, and more across McCall.
Submit your information to create an ice sculpture and compete in the event.
Let’s give a round of applause for the winners of this year’s ice sculpture competition.
Color Outside the Lines:
People’s Choice:
The entry deadline to be included on the Official Sculpture Map is February 7th, 2025.
Supporting structure materials may only include lathe, wire, rebar, and PVC pipe. Plywood, sheet lumber, or cardboard are not allowed.
Judging will be based on Visual Impact, Artistic Merit, Execution, Originality, Detail/Technique/Craftsmanship, Difficulty, and Overall Impression. A total of 10 points are possible for each category.
Judging begins at 8:00 a.m. on the Thursday before the Winter Carnival.
To order snow, please call the City Department of Public Works at (208) 634-5580 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and they will deliver snow to your construction site on an unscheduled basis.
This means snow delivery is not their top priority.
Please order your snow 24–48 hours before it is needed. The city will make every effort to meet your request, but there are no guarantees
There is a maximum of three loads per delivery.
They will not fill frames, dump on the sidewalk, or drive upon the sidewalk.
The snow will be dumped next to the sculpture for your use. Please make sure to mark the delivery location well.
The Department of Public Works will do its best to provide clean snow, but it is not guaranteed.
The Department of Public Works will not take the snow back if you decide it’s too much.
2022 Sculpture Results
2020 Sculpture Results
2019 Sculpture Results
2018 Sculpture Results
2017 Sculpture Results
2016 Sculpture Results
2015 Sculpture Results
2014 Sculpture Results