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Ph: (208) 634-7631
Thanks for showing interest in being a vendor! To be considered as a vendor for the McCall Winter Carnival, please read the vendor handbook thoroughly and complete the online vendor application on or before the December 15 deadline.
The Winter Carnival Committee will review all applications after the December deadline. Final vendor approvals will be announced on December 21.
We strive to keep a varied mix of concessions. As such, we work hard to ensure that all vendors sell different primary items. If two vendors selling the same products apply, we will give approval priority to the vendor who attended the past year’s event. Non-approved vendors will be placed on a waiting list and will have priority if the approved vendor cancels or misses a year at Winter Carnival.
Exceptions to this rule may arise, and the McCall Area Chamber of Commerce Winter Carnival Committee reserves the right to make all final decisions on vendor approvals.
You will be required to provide the following on or before January 11:
Oct. 11–Dec. 15, 2043 | Vendor Applications Open |
Dec. 21, 2024 | Vendor Approvals Announced |
Jan. 11, 2025 | Vendor Fees Due In Full |
Feb. 21, 2025 | Opening Day of Winter Carnival |
Feb. 23, 2025 | Closing Day of Winter Carnival |
Non Resident (outside Valley & Adams Counties in Idaho) | |||
10×10 Space | 10×20 Space | 10×30 Space | |
Cost | $855 | $1320 | $1650 |
Local Non-Chamber Member (within Valley & Adams Counties in Idaho) | |||
10×10 Space | 10×20 Space | 10×30 Space | |
Cost | $470 | $660 | $850 |
McCall Area Chamber of Commerce Member (as of July 1) | |||
10×10 Space | 10×20 Space | 10×30 Space | |
Cost | $360 | $550 | $740 |
Power ………………………… $100 per outlet
The vendor is responsible for providing all necessary cords and plug-ins if electricity is needed. The McCall Winter Carnival will have an electrician on hand to assist with electrical needs during setup on the first Friday of Carnival. Accurate electrical needs MUST be indicated on the vendor application to serve our vendors better.
Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025 | 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. | Vendor Check-In |
Noon | All Trailers in Place | |
10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. | Vendor Setup | |
Friday, Feb. 21, 2025 |
10:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m. | Vendor Court OPEN |
Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025 |
10:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m. | Vendor Court OPEN |
Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025 |
10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. | Vendor Court OPEN |
Upon arrival at your designated setup location in McCall on Thursday, February 20, 2025, please report to the Winter Carnival staff at the entrance of the Vendor Court first.
Booths may be set up between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Thursday, February 20, 2025. All booths must be in place by 5:00 p.m. Thursday. Due to the hectic nature of opening day, we recommend getting to the Vendor Court early. Vendors with trailers must be in place by Noon on Thursday to allow traffic flow and easier access for vendors with tents. To alleviate congestion, we will assign check-in times for each vendor one week before the start of the Winter Carnival.
There will be 24-hour security starting Thursday, February 20, 2025, continuing through Sunday, February 23, 2025, for the Vendor Court. Security is provided as a deterrent, and vendors understand the McCall Winter Carnival Committee cannot be responsible for any loss or damage.
Exhibitors may enter the Vendor Court with vehicles before the operating hours start each morning for restocking. Vehicles must be removed before the start of operating hours.
All vehicles are prohibited in the Vendor Court during operating hours, and no vehicles may be parked overnight at the Vendor Court. Parking is available in several locations nearby, including the Marina parking lot behind Gravity Sports and the upper Hotel McCall parking lot. No trailer or overnight parking is allowed in the upper Hotel McCall parking lot. Please be respectful and adhere to designated parking zones.
No refunds will be given to approved vendors who cancel. However, if a vendor cancels the vendor contract within 30 days before the Winter Carnival and a replacement vendor can be found, the vendor fee will be refunded to the exhibitor. Notice of cancellation must be in writing and is effective the date received.
Exhibitors must operate legitimately and courteously, keep their area clean, and keep designated walkways clear at all times. All of the vendors’ operations must be in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, regulations, and requirements. The exhibitor agrees to indemnify and defend the City of McCall and the McCall Area Chamber of Commerce for any loss, expense, or damage resulting from the violation of these guarantees.
Each vendor space must be presented professionally and cleanly. Operations conducted behind your service area (i.e., food prep, product storage, etc.) must be enclosed and not visible to the public. Enclosures must align with the tent policy and be of a professional design specifically designated for trade shows, fairs, and festivals.
Any vendor’s right or privilege to sell products on the grounds of the McCall Winter Carnival may be immediately revoked, without refund, if the vendor fails or refuses to comply with the terms of the Vendor Agreement. If any questions arise while reading the contents of this handbook, it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to clarify any and all questions prior to occupying their space at the McCall Winter Carnival.
It is expressly understood that vendors are prohibited from selling any articles or products or rendering services except those specifically listed on their application/contract. The McCall Winter Carnival Committee reserves the right to require the immediate removal of any objects which are not listed on your contract or are, in the opinion of management, deemed to be offensive, hazardous, or might adversely affect the Carnival’s image.
The Winter Carnival Committee will determine whether an item is considered offensive or in poor taste and can prohibit the sale/display of such items. Products and services that are not allowed to be sold by vendors include knives, ear piercing, permanent tattooing, firearms or products resembling firearms, lasers, stun guns, switchblades, brass knuckles, high-powered water guns, helium balloons, pornographic or drug-related items, noise-makers (i.e., pop bangs, pull pops, firecrackers), and fireworks of any nature, including stink bombs. Concealed weapons are not allowed.
For the mutual benefit of our vendors and the public, we make every attempt to diversify products by not overbooking similar lines of merchandise. Vendors with similar product lines will be asked to cooperate with the McCall Winter Carnival Committee to modify certain products to lower redundancies on the offerings. Although we attempt to diversify merchandise, vendors are NOT granted an exclusive right to exhibit their products or services in this event, and none is implied verbally.
The McCall Winter Carnival Committee requests that all vendors adhere to guidelines regarding tents or canopies covering outside vendor areas. All tents or canopies must be designed professionally for trade shows, fairs, and festivals. Canopies designated for backyards, beach or picnic use, or makeshift/homemade structures made from tarps, PVC pipe, etc., will not be allowed. If you are unsure if your current canopy will be allowed, please send photos with your application/contract. Professional canopies are available for rental (please inquire for details). Tents and canopies must be placed within your allotted space. Please be sure you have enough space to allow for the tie-down of your tent or awning, as some tie-downs do not extend straight down. Any stock supplies or boxes must be within the allotted space, and areas must be kept clean and attractive. Operations conducted behind your service area (i.e., food prep, employee areas, etc.) must be enclosed and not visible to the public.
No beer, wine, intoxicating liquor, or controlled substances of any kind shall be kept or sold by the vendor or vendor employees within their allotted space.
Due to the limited power supply, we do not allow electric heaters in or around your booth. Propane heaters are acceptable.
The Idaho Sales Tax Act requires every retailer engaged in business in Idaho to obtain a seller’s permit from the State Tax Commission. As is dictated by Idaho Tax Code, Title 63-3620C, retailers are required to collect the six percent (6%) sales tax on each sale that is not exempt from tax. Each concessionaire is required to provide the McCall Area Chamber of Commerce with a copy of their ST-124 with their contract. The Idaho State Tax Commission requires that your signs indicate that “Sales Tax is included,” if that is the case. Please contact the local State Tax Commission office to obtain a permit at (208) 334-7660 or toll-free at (800) 972-7660.
The Central District Health Department has published a vendors’ packet describing many of your responsibilities to the public. The approval of a temporary permit from the Central District Health Department is required before operating. For further information, please call the Health Department at (208) 634-7194.